The fact that Big Brother will be returning to our screen this year is almost enough to get us over this dreadful 'spring' weather. Where are they sunny spells? London clearly didn't get the memo.
It's been too long since we heard Davina McCall announce, "You are live on Channel 4, please do not swear." Sure, the show will now be on ITV and no one knows who will be hosting the reboot but STILL Big Brother is back and we are psyched.
The last series aired in 2018, a whole five years ago and during the shows run it made some superstars from regular people.

The always hilarious Alison Hammond is now a ridiculously successful TV personality despite the fact that she was the second housemate evicted back in 2002. How she didn't make it to the final beggars belief.
Another housemate who became an icon is Big Brother 7 winner, Pete Bennett. The Londoner has recently announced his latest project to his Instagram followers and it is as wild as Pete himself.
The reality TV star posted a clip on his Instagram with the caption, "New single #snailkiller coming soon @lovedogzmusic #petebennett. Don't kill snails!” alongside a clip of him singing his newest song “Snail Killer.”
The lyrics are exactly what you would expect from Pete and his punk band LoVeDoGz and feature the words, "I kill snails, put me in jail, don't release me on bail."
But don't worry, we can see that Pete isn't ACTUALLY into murdering shelled animals as he threw in "Don't kill snails!" at the end of the caption. No one call PETA just yet.

During his stint in the Big Brother house, Pete was popular both with his fellow contestants and outside of the house (obvs he won) and received 61.2% of the votes when he beat Glyn Wise to be crowned the winner.
Pete formed a strong bond with Big Brother icon Nikki Grahame during his time on the show and was one of many celebrities who shared their love for Nikki when she passed in 2021.