Molly Smith talks self-care routines, villa workouts and the £8 foundation she can’t be without

The Love Island All Stars winner talks through her self-care Sunday favourites...

molly smith

by Helena Holdsworth |
Updated on

Self-care will forever be our favourite hobby but we appreciate that recharging and putting yourself first looks different for everyone. Each week, we'll ask the celeb lot to share their ideal self-care Sunday routines, the hard-working beauty products they recommend to their friends and which TV show they're currently binging…

This week it's all about Love Island All Star winner, Molly Smith who won the spin-off show earlier this year alongside now-boyfriend Tom Clare.

If you were inspired by the All Stars winner's body when she lifted the Love Island All Stars trophy (hello washboard abs and super tones arms) then you're in luck. The bombshell has just released her new Move with Molly fitness plans aimed at helping individuals achieve their best shape for summer. Catering to all levels, from beginner to certified gym bunny, each spicy session is led by Molly herself and can be done at home or in the gym.

Molly chats exclusively to heat about her skincare saviour, villa workouts and the budget beauty buys she can’t be without…

On self-care routines

So, what does the ultimate self-care Sunday look like for Molls?

"Self-care for me is primarily spending time on my skincare. I’ll start by using the Paula’s Choice Liquid Exfoliant and then follow it with the L’Oreal Vitamin C Serum and Revitalift Clinical Vitamin C UV Fluid SPF 50+ Moisturiser.

"I always apply SPF, even when I’m indoors. Now I’m thirty, I feel like I need to make sure to look after my skin to prevent any ageing. I never used to wear SPF and I went under one of those UV scanners which made me realise just how important it is to protect your skin from the sun.

"My friend bought me the CurrentBody LED Face Mask for my birthday, and I use it every day for ten minutes - it’s made such a difference! I’ll then put my baggy Booho loungewear on and a Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Intensive Treatment hair mask.

"Tom [Clare] and I like to do eye masks together, he’s absolutely obsessed with them! Our favourite is the 111 skin Cryo De-Puffing Eye Mask."

On budget beauty buys

"You know what’s underrated? The L’Oreal True Match Foundation. I love that it has SPF and hyaluronic acid in it. Oh my god, it’s so good! I either wear it as a serum or build it up for more coverage."

Price: £8.80

On makeup must-haves

"I’m obsessed with the Maybelline Instant Anti Age Perfector 4-in-1. The glow stick is a dupe of the Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter, but half the price."

"My go to mascara is theL’Oreal Paris Telescopic. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s the best on the market and it doesn’t budge all day. I swear by setting powder for making your makeup last longer and you can’t beat the Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Finish."

On products for filming

What were the beauty products Molly loved when filming Love Island All Stars?

"There were two main beauty products that I couldn’t live without during Love Island. The first was my L’Oreal Vitamin C Serum. This was an absolute essential, especially in the heat it really rehydrated my skin.

"My other essential was the Rio de Janeiro Sunset Bronze Glow. I wore this every night and it was the secret behind my glow. It gives the skin a really nice shimmer. When my case got brought through to pack up to go home, I ignored any clothes and made a beeline for the beauty bits. I took hair stuff, body bits makeup, you name it, I stole every beauty product that was on the shelves in the villa!"

On Love Island make-up hacks

"The girls shared so many beauty tips whilst in the villa. One of my favourite hacks was using brightening eye drops. They really whiten your eyes which helps to make them pop when wearing eye shadow."

On daily wellness habits

"I have L-Glutamine every morning. It really helps with my digestion and de-bloating. If I’m exercising, I’ll always drink pre-workout beforehand. My favourite is the Alani Pink Slush flavour. We stock up on water like there’s no tomorrow.

"Staying hydrated is so important for feeling my best. I’ve also just bought some sea moss because I’ve heard it’s meant to be really good for energy, skin and digestion. The only thing is, it’s sat in a tub staring at me and I’m not entirely sure how to take it! It smells a bit funky!"

On launching Move with Molly

"I had a lot of people DM'ing me asking for exercise advice and wanting to know what my workouts looked like on a weekly basis. I could relate to their struggles surrounding starting out in the gym as I used to be scared of the weights area myself. I realised creating an app could be an amazing way to help people feel good about themselves. It’s a really fulfilling being able to inspire others, and that’s how Move with Molly was born."

On staying fit in the villa...

"Anton used to wake me up super early and I’d start with laps around the pool. I once managed 80 laps! Tom once mentioned his ick was seeing people run, so I’d demand that he didn’t watch. The gym was pretty limited, so I adapted my workouts and used dumbbells and resistance bands to train with."

On couples workouts

"Tom and I haven’t done a proper gym session together yet but I can’t wait for him to try out the Move with Molly plan. It's definitely going to put him through his paces. We were in the gym the other day and I stopped him mid-exercise to correct his form. Let’s just say he wasn’t too happy about it! We do love to do Park Runs together though. He's so tall which means his strides are two times bigger than mine. It's totally not fair!"

On life-changing podcasts...

"I like to listen to Steven Bartlett’s Diary of a CEO on my runs. He’s just done an episode with Simon Cowell which I’m looking forward to listening to. I loved Jamie Liang and Sophie Haboo’s Nearlyweds podcast, but since they’ve become Newlyweds, I’ve stopped listening as much. If I’m in the mood for something spicier, Call Her Daddy is chaotic but I love it!"

Quickfire round:

Show you're currently binging? Obviously, Tom and I are currently watching the new season of Love Island! But I’m also hooked on the Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix. It’s only three episodes in, but oh my god!

Go to cuppa? I like a latte with oat milk and tons of honey.

Go-to loungewear brand? I love the Boohoo tracksuits. They’re so cosy and I like them oversized. I wore a navy blue one on the flight to Dubai, it was the comfiest thing ever.

Everyday perfume? I always wear the Van Cleef Oud Blanc

Go-to takeaway order? Tom and I love to get a cheeky Nando’s. I’ll order a Butterfly Chicken Medium spice, with a side of spiced grains and butternut squash, and some broccoli. Tom can’t handle the spice! He has to get PERI-Tamer or Lemon and Herb

Favourite candle? I adore Jo Malone. We always get the Pomegranate Noir scented candle

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