It seems that distance doesn’t actually make the heart grow fonder, as Love Island's Luke Mabbott and Demi Jones have reportedly split after three months of isolating separately.
They were an unlikely couple on this year’s winter series of the show; only getting together in its final moments. Despite this, they were popular with viewers and eventually finished in third place. Remember? Just behind Luke Trotman and Siannise Fudge and winners Paige Turley and Finley Tapp?
Sadly, though, they're said to be the latest Love Island couple not made of strong enough stuff to see through lockdown.

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Having decided that they were going to pursue their relationship outside the villa, it was already starting to prove difficult since they lived 312 miles apart with Luke living in Redcar, North Yorkshire and Demi living in Portsmouth.
Then, after only five weeks of so-called “normal life” outside of the villa, lockdown struck and they were unable to see each other.
Blimey. It's all a bit Romeo & Juliet, isn't it?
Watch: the cast of Love Island 2020 on who they WISH they'd coupled up with 👀
Speaking to The Sun, a source said: "It's no huge drama - they're just better off as friends.
"They had a good run but they have split for good."
The insider-type added: "There’s been no cheating or drama they just drifted apart - he’s looking forward to lockdown being over and making the most of his new single status."
Not waiting around, is he?