Love Island’s Samantha Kenny reveals ‘surprising’ Islander she was close to and we NEVER even saw them together

Hint: it's NOT Grace Jackson

li girls

by Emily Vierke |
Published on

When it comes to Love Island we understand that the dramatic recouplings, secret Hideaway chats and ridiculously loud snogging is what makes for good telly, but we also love seeing the girly chats and platonic pals having fun.

love island samantha and nicole
Samantha and nicole ©ITV

Remember back in season one when they would hang around the smoking area catching up on last night's antics or they would pass the time with pool games and trips outside of the villa?

That way we were also able to see some of the friendships blossom as much as the romance because we GET IT OK? It's called 'Love Island' not 'Friend Island,' but you couldn't survive your Love Island experience without a few mates backing you.

Just ask recently dumped 2024 Islander, Samantha Kenny.

Samantha ©itv

The Liverpudlian had a rocky few weeks during her time on the dating show and ended up being dumped after Joey Essex coupled up with Grace Jackson.

Once she was back on UK soil, the Liverpudlian stopped by heat for a chat and revealed not only which Islander she was planning on moving in with but what friendship surprised her.

"I didn't think I would get on with Ayo [Odukoya]," Samantha confessed, "but we were so, so close in there."

We had no idea that those two were even pals; we're not even sure they shared the screen at the same time.

ayo and ronnie
ayo and ronnie ©itv

"I miss him," she sighed, "I had my own little good vibe with Ayo. He would literally just scoop me up in his arms and my little legs would be dangling."

We wish Ayo would scoop US up in his arms but alas he is too busy in the villa falling in with love with Mimii Ngulube. As he should.

WATCH: Which Love Island couples will go the distance?

Emily Vierke is a digital writer who has dabbled in the world of celeb, beauty and fashion. She enjoys stalking the Love Island girlies for outfit inspo nearly as much as she enjoys rewatching the clip of Maura Higgins confronting Tom Walker for gossiping about her to the Love Island lads.

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