Love Island's Toby Aromolaran, who placed second alongside his girlfriend Chloe Burrows in the 2021 series, has told heatworld that he's "civil" with fellow Islander Hugo Hammond - but that he won't be inviting him round for dinner anytime soon.
Speaking as he's appointed the newest ambassador for BoohooMAN, Toby said, "You don’t get along with everyone in life, that’s how life works. Thirty odd people got thrown in the villa, you’re not gonna get along with all of them. I’d say to 'Hi' to [Hugo], but I wouldn’t call him a close friend, you know.
"If he wanted to call me out [in the villa, when Hugo recoupled with Chloe after Toby chose Abi Rawlings], he can call me out but firstly, from a friend basis, I wouldn’t do that to a friend. But at the end of the day I appreciate him because he did pick Chloe and it allowed us to carry on our journey together.
"It’s part of the journey."
Check out: Love Island 2021's first Instagram posts
Love Island 2021's first Instagram posts slider

Chloe Burrows
Chloe may have caught all the boys' attentions as evidenced in a recent explosive episode, but you can see she's always been a stunner from this uni halls pic taken way back in 2015.

Faye Winter
Faye has certainly nailed this classic Instapose in this snap from 2019 - the hair, tan and Adidas bodysuit are all on point and a sign of things to come.

Brad McClellan
A quick glance over Brad's insta and it's clear he uses it primarily to document his fitness journey. This snap from 2017 is from before it all began.

Kaz Kamwi
Kaz was already a fashion blogger before she entered the Love Island villa, and so her first photo is appropriately professional looking (boo).

Jake Cornish
Finally, a properly old photo! You can tell that Jake was already going to the gym when this photo was taken with a mate back in 2013.

PS. Enjoy this bonus pic of baby Jake with none other than footballer Wayne Rooney.

Hugo Hammond
When he was a teenager, Hugo played Cricket for England's Physical Disability team.

Hugo Hammond
PS. Baby Hugo for your viewing pleasure x

Aaron Francis
Like Kaz, Aaron was already trying his hand as an influencer before he signed up to Love Island and so most of his photos are pretty glossy, but scroll down far enough and we found this photo of him seemingly winning an arm wrestle against Somoan Rugby Union player Many Tuilangi.

Toby Aromolaran
Toby's not giving anything away with this sultry selfie from 2018, other than perhaps that he's heading off on his holidays, judging by his passport and boarding pass. He doesn't look that excited about it though, does he?

Sharon Gaffka
In case you missed it, Sharon used to compete in beauty pageants and was Miss UK 2018. Here she is from the Galaxy pageant that same year.

Liberty Poole
It looks like Liberty has always been a big fan of the finer things in life - as well as a blonde hair extension or two - judging from this snap with a pal from 2019.

Liam Reardon
Viewers couldn't believe that Liam was only 21 when he entered the villa, but here's proof that Liam looked 30 way back in 2018 (regular teenaged boy for reference).

Rachel Finni
This photo of Rach taken on a night out was posted in 2017 but captioned, "2 Years Ago ud83dude2b#CanILookLikeThisAgainPlease", so we can assume it's from way back in 2015.

Millie Court
Proving she's always been a fan of posing up a storm in a bikini, we're majorly jeal of Millie's 2018 holiday to Cannes. Ahh, holidays - remember those?

Lucinda Strafford
Right, we can't actually believe this 2018 photo of bombshell Lucinda - have Love Island checked her I.D.? Is she old enough to be on the show?
WATCH: “Babies? Yes 100%” Chloe & Toby are moving mad after Love Island
Despite the not-insubstantial blip in their road to happiness, Toby and Chloe have recently been flat hunting outside London and he tells us that they've already put down a deposit on their new pad.
"Me and Chloe have found our destination and we’re ready to move in and start normal life," he said.
"Three months ago I didn’t know [her] and [she] didn’t know me. But after the Love Island experience - literally being together at the hip for eight weeks, and then having a five day quarantine - it made us realise we need to be together."

Love Island: Toby Aromolaran is the chaotic character that all reality shows need
Love Island's Toby Aromolaran reprimanded for PUNCHING co-star
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Toby initially coupled up with fellow OG Kaz Kamwi in episode one of the series but sparks quickly flew between him and Chloe and the pair recoupled at the first opportunity.
Later Toby's head was swayed by bombshell Abi Rawlings, making him public enemy number one.
He then briefly recoupled with Casa Amor's Mary Bedford before his series-stealing 180 back to Chloe, cementing the pair as runners up - and for many, the winners - of Love Island 2021.