It's hard to imagine winter Love Island 2023 hottie Tom Clare exhibiting anything other than a tall, perfect, statuesque specimen of 20-something manhood. Couple all that with his sexy northern accent, hypnotic eyes, and brunette locks so luscious you could just chew on them, and it's no wonder he's one of the faves to come out of the most recent series.
Even in his Love Island promo picture – which (no shade) are the antithesis of however FaceApp works – he was still a solid (and perfectly fuzzy) 10, which is practically unheard of (just ask Millie Court).

As much as we love all 6ft5 of Tom, for our own benefit, we need to know that he's had some sort of aesthetic blip in his 23 years – just to know that he's really human, tbh.
So, when we got wind from those Instagram bloodhounds that Tom had shared a seriously old photo of himself sporting platinum blond hair, we thought we might have finally found his Achilles heel. We hadn't.
Turns out Tom decided a share a throwback snap from when he was a toddler and surprise, surprise, he was absolutely adorable – and that platinum blond hair? Natural. NATURAL.
Tom shared a a printed-out snap (remember those?) of himself as a blond (are those curtains we see?), smiling toddler playing with some seriously 90s garden toys – THAT plastic bike, though.
Tom captioned the throwback snap, "Top speed of 200 mph that bad boy."

Okay, so he was an adorable toddler, too – but surely he faced a minor blip in his teen years? Nobody escapes that hormonal hurdle, do they? Don't hold your breath...
We recently stumbled across this picture of a teenage Tom from seven years ago on his sister's Instagram grid, and although he's virtually unrecognisable without his signature facial hair, he's hardly the awkward, zit-infested, greasy teenager we see framed on the walls every time we pop back home, is he?
Oh, well. It's nice to know that Tom hasn't always looked 35, at least.