If the 'No Sleep' Lady Gaga TikTok sound wasn't your hot girl summer ANTHEM, then we're shocked, TBH.
The words 'No sleep, bus, club, another club' are practically ingrained in our brains forever, and pretty much describe the vibes of every night out after June 21st, you know, when that lil thing called lockdown was lifted?
The sound originally comes from a Lady Gaga interview back in 2011, when the queen of pop was describing her journey to fame. Ten years later, it's one of the most iconic TikTok sounds to ever exist - thanks Gaga babes.
If your love for this sound is as far-reaching as ours, then you'll be DELIGHTED to discover that you can now buy an iPhone case with those very iconic words inscribed on the back. Nope, we're not joking. And for less than £20? There's no stopping us.

Shop even more 'No sleep' merch below




Read more:
Queen Gaga herself recently made her very own TikTok using her sound, and yes, it was just as iconic as you'd imagine.
On another note, did you know you can shop all those viral TikTok products on Amazon? From those honeycomb leggings, to the magical hairdryer brush, and even those weird webcam covers. We know where we're going for our Christmas prezzies...