When Big Brother returned to our telly screens earlier this year it was as if we had all jumped into a time portal back to 2004 and did we love it? Of course we did.
Although we didn't have controversial housemates like Nasty Nick Bateman or somebody breaking the table a la Alison Hammond we DID have Jordan Sangha and Olivia Young who were equally as iconic and made for hilarious TV.
With the reboot of the OG reality TV show being a grand success, ITV made the correct decision and announced soon after that not only would we have the regular BB again this year, but Celebrity Big Brother would also be making a glorious comeback.
The celeb version of Big Brother is always an absolute riot with some unforgettable, albeit controversial, moments; for some reason it's as if the famous faces forget they are being filmed.
How could anyone forget Tiffany Pollard mistakenly thinking fellow housemate David Gest had passed away and declaring 'David is dead,' when, in fact, it was music legend David Bowie who had died?
Or how about Gemma Collins and her trademark 'I'm claustrophobic, Darren'?
And let's not forget queen of clean Kim Woodburn having to be escorted out of the building by security after ranting at her fellow housemates, “I’ll cross you so badly you’ll regret it for the rest of your lives.”
Oh, the good 'ole days.
For a moment we were concerned that the All Stars version - sorry we have been spending too much time researching Love Island - would fall flat compared to the iconic civilian series from this year, but then certain names started swirling around the rumour mill and now our faith has been restored.
One name in particular is TOWIE legend Chloe Brockett – and as far as dream housemates go, Chlo is probably top of our list.
"She grew up watching the show and her return to TOWIE is still uncertain so it would be a good show to do while she’s waiting to see if she’ll go back to it," The Sun revealed.

There are a few prerequisites that are required for the perfect celebrity Big Brother housemate and Chloe not only has them all she is practically top of the class. Already.
Not afraid to start and end a row? Tick.
A few enemies and scorned ex-lovers that could turn up and cause tension? Tick.
An opinion on absolute everything? Tick.
Chloe was suspended from TOWIE after she was caught up in an altercation with her ex Roman Hackett and there is yet to be a confirmation as to whether she will be returning to the series.