Given that their relationship is being played out in the scrutiny of the public eye, almost all showbiz couples are forced to make the big steps in their relationships public knowledge fairly swiftly. Making it official? Of course. Moving in together? Naturally. Getting engaged? That's an exciting one. But the step that always seems to get a lot of attention – and deservedly so – is the launch of their inevitable celebrity podcast together. So wholesome. Well, this one's more wholemeal really...
So, yes, Big Brother 2023 couple Jordan Sangha and Henry Southan – remember, the couple that half the fandom said wouldn't last and heatworld rallied for from DAY ONE – have confirmed they are releasing a brand-new podcast called Club Sandwich together, and we are thrilled to be helping the boys make their big announcement today.

To be fair, we definitely owed Jordan one after making him dress up as WIlly Wonka last Christmas.
The Big Brother 2023 stars paid heatworld a visit last week for an exclusive tell-all on their new podcast and it sounds both juicy AND meaty – cause it's about sandwiches.

Tell us about your new podcast, boys.
Henry: Well, we've been together for a year now...
Jordan: Yes, a very long year.
Henry: What do you do when a relationship is going well? Maybe make a podcast and chat s**t about sandwiches.
Jordan: You capitalize on it.
Henry: We bonded over sandwiches in the house. Jordan introduced me to the crisp sandwich and I found it a textural delight, to be honest; biting through the cheap bread and getting to the crunch of the crips in the middle. Initially we just had a mutual love for sandwiches.
Jordan: Yes, and you (to Henry) love a club sandwich, ergo the name.
Henry: It's a traveller's best friend; wherever you are in the world you can get a club sandwich.
Jordan: But despite the name, it's not really got much to do with sandwiches.

Henry: At the end of each episode we buy each other a sandwich and we rank it on leaderboard through the series. We're going to have to decide the best sandwich each week and... are the cracks showing already do you think?
Jordan: I think so, darling. This is a podcast that will make or break us.
Henry: We were arguing over a bacon sandwich and a McMuffin yesterday and it got quite heated, didn't it?
How many episodes have you recorded?
Henry: We're doing it as we go along.
Jordan: So we've recorded the first one. Interesting to say the least. Thank goodness they edit it. It's good - we're having a conversation; two friends having a good old chat.
Henry: We want people to listen to it like they're having a sandwich with a friend. I'm a food critic and Jordan's a food lover, but anyone can be an expert when it comes to a sandwich. Everybody can relate.
Jordan: It can be anything - a humble crisp sandwich or a bacon sandwich, which I made for [Henry] for the first episode and you shunned it. Henry bought me one of these culinary monstrosities - a croissant with lots of posh ingredients.
Henry: It was like a yassified McMuffin.

But it's not just about sandwiches? Don't get us wrong, we LOVE a sandwich...
Henry: No, no, there's a lot of us bickering. Whenever we go out to dinner with people, they're always like, 'Guys, you need to be recording these conversations.' But with Jordan... I have no idea what is going to come out of his mouth.
Jordan: And it's not because I'm trying to be wackadoodle or whatever, it's just what comes to my mind. Like, in the first episode, I go on to quote Nanny McPhee. To me that seemed relevant in the moment. We have a sandwich at the end and we have many sandwich puns for the features, but the first part of the podcast is just us ranting about non-food-related items.
Henry: It's a podcast about sandwiches that isn't really about sandwiches.

Can we expect guests on Club Sandwich?
Henry: No you can't, which means if you don't like either of us, then this is going to be an awful experience for you.
Jordan: We've already had one love triangle, so we're just sticking to the two of us. That's what you said in the first episode...
Henry: Yeah, there won't be a third.
Club Sandwich podcast is available to listen to Wednesday 20 Nov on all podcast platforms
WATCH: Big Brother's Jordan and Henry share their thoughts on Nathan and Baked Potato (Rosie)
Ben Pulsford is a digital writer for Bauer Media, writing for both Closer online and heatworld. When he's not getting paid to gossip about Big Brother, Love Island, and The Real Housewives of Cheshire, he's storming the London LGBTQ+ scene as drag queen, Beary Poppins. Both Ben and Beary are awaiting an invite to join The Real Housewives of Cheshire for series 18. The budget's not there, but the drama is 💅.