Love Island’s Munveer Jabbal reveals why his villa stint will be PG friendly

Munveer is one of the Love Island 2024 OGs

Munveer Jabbal

by Sarah O'Byrne |
Published on

With the newest series of Love Island hitting our screens in a matter of days (Monday, June 3rd), we are getting closer and closer to meeting the next batch of romantics hoping to nab the love of their lives as well as that £50k prize.

Luckily, we’ve got a sneak peak of the latest lot to walk through those villa doors, and we can almost guarantee that Love Island 2024 will have one of the best casts to date. We know, it's hard to top bromances like that of Chris Hughes and Ken Cetinay, or the queen that is Maura Higgins, but we may have a shot here.

One of the latest Love Island hopefuls is recruitment manager Munveer Jabbal, who hopes to meet the one in that famous Spanish villa.

Munveer Jabbal
Munveer will be one of Love Island 2024's OGs ©ITV

"[Dating] has always been good but never gone to a point where ‘Yeah, do you know what, I want to take this to the next level, I want to be serious and settle down’… I've got to think about it seriously, because the next person I'm with I'd like to settle down with; kids, the big family, the nice car, the big house.

"Those things are really important to me, so I'm not just doing it for the shits and giggs, nor am I going to jump into something unless I feel 100%."

So Munveer is clearly after The One. You know, the one you can buy that nice car and big house with? With a taste for the finer things, he’ll likely feel right at home in the villa.

One of the highlights of the villa is the Hideaway, where couples can enjoy a night alone away from their fellow Islanders. Naturally, there have been some saucy Hideaway scenes in the past, but is Munveer as eager as the rest of the Islanders to head into the private room?

love island munveer
Munveer is an OG 2024 star ©ITV

When we asked him if he was planning on making the most of his time in the Hideaway or keeping it PG, he had no hesitation.

“Keep it PG for sure. My mum and my nan are going to be watching so I'm going to be very respectful. Obviously representing South Asian community, you know, that'd go against everything we stand for. So, I'm going to be keeping it PG.”

Fair enough, and unlike the early days of Love Island the producers now tend to cut cutting away in the Hideaway, so we wouldn’t know what goes on in there anyway.

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©itvx press centre

Anywya, here’s everything else you need to know about Munveer before he enters the villa in search of love.

Who is Munveer Jabbal?

Munveer is a Love Island 2024 OG Islander.

How old is Munveer Jabbal?

Munveer is 30 years old.

What does Munveer Jabbal do?

Munveer is a recruitment manager, but if things go well, he could soon be swapping that for an influencer/model role.

Munveer Jabbal

Where is Munveer Jabbal from?

Munveer is from Surbiton in Surrey.

Does Munveer have an Instagram account?

He sure does, and you can follow him at @munveerj, but keep in mind he won’t be updating his feed while he’s in the villa.

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Sarah O'Byrne has been writing for Closer since the summer of 2023, but has been watching Love Island since day one so she considers herself something of an expert.

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