Love Island 2024: mullet man Sam Taylor looks COMPLETELY DIFFERENT with a shaved head

Sam was the first Islander to be dumped from series 11

sam taylor love island

by Ben Pulsford |
Published on

Real talk, we've been waiting for the opportune moment to share this story with Love Island fans, and we feel like a week on from Love Island 2024's Sam Taylor's tragic – like, seriously brutal – dumping is the right time. We refuse to let the fandom forget about this inhumanly fit Islander any time soon.

But just in case you have, Sam entered the villa as on OG on day one last Monday and after losing Samantha Kenny to none other than TOWIE's Joey Essex (we're still shooketh) he was left single.

We all thought Love Island bosses would give Sam another fighting chance at love – after all, it was only day three at that point – but no, they said hold my bag, and booted him.

Sam Taylor was the first Islander to be dumped from the villa
Sam Taylor was the first Islander to be dumped from the villa ©©ITV

The real sting is that not a single Islander has been dumped from the villa since, which just feels like rubbing salt in the wound, if you ask us.

We have to say, when Sam was dumped from the show, the heat team were GUTTED; the guy seems like a laugh, he's fit af (ALL those Wolverine vibes), and he's a hairdresser; the idea of him being able to style our hair better than we ever could is very sexy. In addition to these merits, unlike many of his fellow Islanders – and countless others before him – he didn't panic and cull his entire Instagram and TikTok feed prior to the cast announcement – again, a very sexy quality. He left it all up there for the world – and prying journalists – to see. It was giving real and authentic, and it still is.

Naturally, we did deep dive into the deepest depths of Sam's socials and found something we were not prepared for – Sam the mullet man without a mullet; in fact, Sam the mullet man with barely any hair at all.

So, for dramatic effect, let's look at Sam in 2024...

sam taylor love island
sam taylor love island ©ITV


Now, here's a video of Sam taken almost three years ago with a shaved head.


Seldom men can pull off both, but Sam clearly can.

Here's another one, because our deep dive was truly that unhinged...

Sam has experimented with a variety of hairstyles over the years, and being a hairdresser, we're not exactly surprised by this, but we need you all to know this Love Island hunk can even pull off lavender hair...


If you're not manifesting for Sam to return for Casa Amor à la Molly Marsh, please rectify that.

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