EXCLUSIVE: Love Island’s Samantha Kenny lifts the lid on the snacks in the villa and they sound REEM

And, no, we're not talking about Joey Essex


by Emily Vierke |
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There is something bout finding out what the Love Island stars munch away on during their time in the villa that we are obsessed with.

Whether it's their favourite meal or a late-night snack, it's a reminder that these hot AF twenty something guys and girls are just like us.

The latest Islander to reveal all the deets on their fave food is recently dumped Love Island 2024 Liverpudlian, Samantha Kenny and it sounds YUM.

Samantha ©itv

"I would have a great big bowl of crisps, Walkers style or nacho style" – and here we have reason number 75849375748 why Samantha is one of our faves and defos deserved better than what Joey Essex did to her.

"We would go get hummus and we would put like a big load in a bowl," she continued, and now we're craving that exact snack, truly can't go wrong with some sort of crunchy savoury nibble and delicious dip.

the islanders love a snack ©itv

We always just assume they live off salads and rice or something equally as boring, but it turns out the Islanders like to add a little spice to their diet.

"We would either put hot sauce or sweet chilli on the hummus and just scoop it up," she finished and now we are salivating.

At least with hummus and crisps you aren't likely to contract food poisoning; we still have the fear after Molly Smith confessed the All Stars contestants were hit by sickness (and so on) earlier on this year.

"Ah, it was the best," Samantha sighed.

She might not have found love on the dating show but at least she was able to enjoy her hummus and crisps.

Every cloud has a silver lining right, Samantha?

WATCH: Never mind the drama, catch us by the fire pit with a bowl of crisps x

Emily Vierke is a digital writer who has dabbled in the world of celeb, beauty and fashion. She enjoys stalking the Love Island girlies for outfit inspo nearly as much as she enjoys rewatching the clip of Maura Higgins confronting Tom Walker for gossiping about her to the Love Island lads.

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