Made in Chelsea’s Muffin calls out Jazz Saunders’ ex amid love triangle drama

She dated Freddy, Miles and Hugo

jazz and julia

by Emily Vierke |
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Ah, to be a twenty-something Made in Chelsea star who finds themselves being romanced by three different posh players.

The most recent series of Made in Chelsea saw Jazz Saunders share a date and a kiss with Miles Nazaire, spend half the season flirting with Freddy Knatchbull and the other half deciding whether or not she fancied Hugo Mackenzie-Wood. Who can blame her, tbh?

jazz ©channel 4

Jazz, of course, wasn't the only one to be caught up in romantic turmoil as her bestie, newbie Julia 'Muffin' Pollard, started off dating Tristan Phipps before ending the series in a 'will they/won't they?' situation with Sam Vanderpump.

The BFF's are constantly sharing TikTok's together which either feature them calling out their exes, jumping on the latest TikTok trends or just generally living their best lives.

The latest social media video is titled 'Icks in each others exes', and the SHADE of it, all we have to say is Freddy, Tristan and Hugo, you might want to run and hide.

Tristan and muffin
Tristan and muffin are no more ©channel 4

Of course, no names are mentioned, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out who they're referring to especially when MIC fans throw their thoughts into the comments section.

"When they're a guy and they literally wear high heels," Muffin joked in the TikTok, which caused Jazz to shout in the background, "JULESSSS."

Let's be honest, she is definitely talking about Hugo Mackenzie Wood who not only has a penchant for cowboy boots with a cheeky cuban heel, but he was mocked CONSTANTLY about it by Freddy.

If we had any doubts one fan wrote, "Not high heels being about Hugo 😭" to which Jazz replied, "We plead the fifth x."

Hugo ©channel 4

Jazz fired back with, "When they're, like, 33 years old," and, of course, Tristan isn't 33 but there was some controversy around him being 29 and Muffin being 21. Just saying.

We hope this trend never dies because those 2 minutes and 36 seconds kept us VERY entertained.

WATCH: Not the spoiler slip

Emily Vierke is a digital writer who has dabbled in the world of celeb, beauty and fashion. She knows all the goss on the cast of Made in Chelsea and is forever obsessed with the queen of one-liners, Lucy "why is everyone getting up in my grill?" Watson. Long may she reign.

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