Love Island 2023 has been an absolute rollercoaster of chaos, cheating and Casa Amor couplings nobody expected.
We're looking at you Casey O'Gorman.
Justice for Cynthia Otseh-Taiwo.
OK back to the matter at hand.
Since being dumped from the villa Ellie Spence has been on a rampage of honesty; revealing the unaired drama that occurred during her time in the villa and it just keeps getting better and better.
It was only last week that Tanyel Revan admitted she had a showdown with Ellie in the dressing room because some of the Islanders (Ellie included) were gossiping about Tanyel’s BFF Ron Hall, do they have a death wish? Anyways, we have been wondering what other juicy scenes we haven’t been shown and it turns out quite a lot.

Sure, we know there are 24 hours in the day and the producers must whittle it down into 45 minutes but how about showing us some exciting confrontations rather than Olivia Hawkins trying to force an apology out ofKai Fagan for the HUNDREDTH time?
We love Liv and her long gloves but, girl, he ain’t apologising.
In her most recent Youtube video that she titled ‘WHAT THEY DIDN’T AIR’ – urgh we live for the drama - Ellie divulged that the row she had with Tanyel wasn’t the only time that things got a tad heated.
During the gladiator game where the lads dressed up as Roman/Greek/something hot and ancient warriors and had to dance for the girls, an argument formed between Olivia and Tanyel.
The Love Island ladies had to pick who they thought was the best dancer and Ellie explained that Tanyel, Lana Jenkins and Samie Elishi all wanted to pick Ron as the winner but the other girls were not on board.

"We don't want to reward Ron's behaviour because we didn't agree with it," Ellie confessed and it turns out that Olivia in particular was especially unhappy with Ron’s treatment of Casey amid the whole Ron x Lana x Casey love triangle that had formed.
Ellie continued to explain how the row blew up, "Immediately Olivia was like 'I’m not having it, Casey is over there crying, I’m not picking Ron,' and then Tanyel... it was basically Tanyel and Olivia’s argument.”
Why oh why did this iconic argument not make it to our screens we hear you ask? Ellie offered up a bit of an explanation.
"All of the producers are like ‘Stop. Stop. Stop arguing.’ There was a saying that if we were at lunch, we weren’t allowed to talk about anything to do with the show and they would say ‘hold the chat.’ They made them hold the chat because they wanted to pull a camera in.”

Ellie was all of us in this situation as she confessed, "Obviously, I was probably so annoying because I was like oh my God I am living for this. We need to give the British public what they want."
Get Ellie on the ITV producing team right this minute, she understands the needs of Love Island fans.
But it turns out that as soon as the crew began filming for the intense fight somebody got a little camera shy.
"[They] finally got a camera, like put the camera in everybody's face and then Olivia didn't say anything and obviously Tanyel wasn't going to argue with thin air."
We thought that Love Island had more of a Big Brother set up where the camera were constantly on the contestants but it would appear not, let's hope we don't miss any more juicy dramz.