EXCLUSIVE Love Island’s Ciaran Davies and Nicole Samuel: ‘We want babies’

The Love Island runners-up tell Lily Smith about domestic bliss, celeb fans and future baby names

love island ciaran and nicole

by Lily Smith |

These days, it’s easy to be cynical about reality TV couples. Whether it’s a MAFS-manufactured union, a Love Is Blind-built hook-up or, in this case, a couple who got together in the Love Island villa, it’s easy to wonder if those involved really are into each other, or if it’s just for the brand deals. Well, while we can’t speak for everyone, we can say that, having spent the day with them on our photos shoot, Love Island 11’s Nicole Samuel and Ciaran Davies are the real deal. This summer, viewers watched the two Welsh natives couple up with other Islanders, before finding each other like Gavin did Stacey.

From week two onwards, the pair were inseparable – we all remember when Ciaran asked her to be his girlfriend in front of everyone at the fire pit, when they said ‘I love you’ in bed together, and when Ciaran gave Nicole that adorable necklace in the final week.

Of course, they had their hiccups – from the infamous ‘Eggyboff’ fallout to Nicole’s Casa Amor anxiety that spawned the iconic catchphrase ‘Whoooooooo’s Emma?’. But no matter how hot the bombshells thrown at them were, or how petty the bickering, the couple made it all the way to the final and finished as the season’s runner-ups.

Now, two months after leaving the villa, the pair are stronger than ever, having just reached the relationship milestone of moving in together.

heat magazine ciaran and nicole
nicole and ciaran pose for heat mag ©Marco Vittur

During the shoot, former accounts manager Nicole, 24, and ex-rugby player Ciaran, 21, seemed smitten, and were tactile and totally in sync with each other – from Ciaran knowing Nicole’s salad order without having to ask, to them each finishing each other’s sentences during the interview.

We’re utterly convinced these two are in it for the long haul and so are they, it seems, as they tell heat about living together, their relationship dynamics, and how marriage and babies are on the cards…

You’ve moved in together – how’s it all going?

Ciaran: It’s going really well. I’m not sure what domestic bliss means, but I could say it’s that. Living with each other is just like it was in the villa. I’m still making Nicole coffee in the morning, but now I’m doing the bins and the dog food, as well.

Nicole: It’s like the villa, just more peaceful, really. More personal space – we shared a bedroom, showers and dressing room with everyone before. So, now it’s just me and him, which is nice.

Who’s the messy one?

C: Nicole.

N: Oh, my God! OK, when I’m getting ready, yes, I have a floordrobe. But the house is tidy.

C: As soon as Nicole starts getting ready, it’s carnage. I stay downstairs with the dog. But, to be fair, I’m worse with the kitchen. The other day, I just left all the plates in the sink and didn’t wash up after Nicole cooked. That’s what we bicker about – I know it was my bad, but I was tired.

nicole and ciaran in the villa
the look of love ©Shutterstock

Ciaran – how is it, living with Nicole’s dog, Bonnie?

C: Bonnie is the best. She’s like a human – she watches TV with us and stuff.

N: She comes everywhere with us, she’s like our child. We did speak about getting another dog the other day – I think next year.

How has it been adjusting to life outside the villa?

N: It’s been kind of a blur. We were so grateful for all of the support we had, we really didn’t expect it. It was honestly amazing, we loved it.

C: The support we’ve had as a couple has been amazing. People talk about pressure coming out of the villa, but for us, it doesn’t feel like that, because most of what’s happened has been nice.

N: People are always coming up to us saying, ‘Oh, so you’re still together?’ And we’re like, ‘Yeah, of course we are.’ And they say, ‘Oh my god, we’re obsessed!’ We love that.

Why do you think you two work so well?

N: He’s like my best friend, as well as being my boyfriend. People say that spending 24/7 together can cause arguments, but we are yet to see that. We are still loving life together. We’re mostly similar, but different, too. The balance just works.

C: We were both single for a while before meeting each other, which I think was good, as we knew what we wanted. I miss Nicole when I’m not with her. Even in the villa, when we were apart, I just wanted to go find her. Casa Amor? I just couldn’t do it! I had to go to Brighton the other day for work and I was messaging her all day saying how much I missed her.

this is what domestic bliss looks like ©Marco Vittur

Most of the couples from your series have now split – what’s the secret to making a Love Island relationship work?

C: I think the important thing is communication. You need to be with someone who understands you and who you can talk to about anything. Also, always try to have fun, even when doing the boring stuff. And support each other, be happy for each other.

N: We also make sure we do weekly date nights, whether they’re big or small ones. We also both make sure to do little things for each other, which we love and they mean a lot to us.

C: Also, we support each other and are happy for each other. With like [fellow islanders] Uma and Wil, Uma is killing it and Wil has her back 100%, as do I with Nicole. You have to have that love and trust and support each other all the way.

What’s the longest you’ve been apart since coming out the villa?

N: Just one night – that’s it, really. When we were in the villa, we spent so much time together, so coming out it’s been exactly the same.

Can you see marriage and babies on the horizon?

N: I think it’s too early to say if it’ll be soon, but who knows what’s in the future? If I didn’t think we were going to get married and have babies one day, we wouldn’t be together, so I’d say that’s definitely on the cards in the future. Ci would be an amazing dad.

C: We’d be great parents. I’ve actually already got a name for our baby boy – Dai Dave David Davies. Proper strong Welsh name.

N: That’s what he was going to name our baby in the Baby Challenge – I was gutted they didn’t do it this year.

Have you had any celebs reached out to tell you they’re fans?

N: Oh my God, loads. The Geordie Shore girls have said they’re fans – I was starstruck! And JLS and the England football team posted, ‘Who’s Emma?!’ [Nicole’s now-infamous soundbite from Casa Amor] at the time, which was crazy.

C: The cool ones for me were the Welsh rugby players. You’re watching them as a kid and now they’re messaging you saying, ‘Well done, mate.’

Nicole, do you get ‘Who’s Emma?’ shouted at your regularly?

N: Oh my god, it doesn’t stop! We were on holiday in Turkey and I was walking by the pool and all I could hear was, ‘Who’s Emma?’

Have you spent a lot of time with the other Islanders?

C: Every time we’re in London, we always catch up with people. I’m closest to Ayo [Odukoya], Omar [Nyame], Wil [Anderson] and Sam [Taylor].

N: We’ve been on double dates, triple dates, we’ve been on loads of occasions where we all go to the same place, so we’ve been seeing them loads. I love all the girls. I speak to Mimii [Ngulube] and Uma [Jammeh] loads. Jess [White] is one of my bestest friends. Me and Jess speak every second of the day. We’ve all experienced that with each other, so we have that connection.

heat magazine cover

Was it weird coming out of the villa and then going out partying?

N: No, when we came out, we had our work heads on, so we didn’t really go out and get drunk. We wanted to work and see family, and there were a few things we needed to sort out before socialising, so it wasn’t really on our minds.

C: Some people have gone for it, and I don’t blame them. There’s so many restrictions in the villa, so I don’t blame them for coming out and getting drunk and having a good time with their mates.

Which of your fellow islanders would you love to see on Love Island: All Stars?

C: Sam left in the first week, so he definitely deserves another go. He’s a great lad.

N: Yes. And Jess – she would be amazing. She deserves to find her man.

Finally, where do you see yourselves this time next year?

C: Just keeping on doing what we’re doing, making time for each other – and making money.

N: Still happy and working hard, spending lots of time with our families and each other and smashing work. Maybe with another dog – but not any babies just yet!

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