Now, when a certain cup of Love Island tea was spilled right into our unsuspecting laps, we were shocked, to say the least.
The iconic goss was poured out by Love Island 2023 couple Mitchel Taylor and Ella Barnes and, quite frankly, we were all kinds of shocked.

Mitch and Ella previously swung by our London studios to film an episode of 'Who is Most Likey To...?' for our YouTube channel.
With Messy Mitch being, well, Messy Mitch (he loves that name by the way, he told us) we anticipated some messy and shocking answers, but never in our wildest dreams did we see this answer coming.
When asked "who was most likely to get intimate under the duvet?", Ella dropped a bombshell (fitting, really).
She exclusively told heatworld, "This is going to be one that people don't expect, but Scott [van-der-Sluis] and Abi [Moores]."

Sorry, what? THE Scott and Abi who hung out in the friend zone more than any other couple this series? THE Abi who claimed Scott was a slow burner when it came to affection? THE Scott and Abi who were arguably starting to give each other the ick before our very eyes?
Once the gasps in the studio has ceased, Mitch replied, smiling with utter shock, "No comment. Moving on. Very swiftly."
Clearly the news has reached the ears of the lady in question and as a guest on the Not My Bagg podcast, alongside fellow Islander, Mal Nicol, Abi shot down any rumours about her Scott sharing bodily fluids.

When former Gogglebox star and podcast host, Joe Baggs, asked the bombshells if anyone had sex on the show, Abi took the opportunity to clear the air.
"Apparently me and Scott..." she laughed, "like, absolutely not; he wouldn't even hold my hand."
This does make much more sense as the audience was definitely led to believe that there was minimal sexual chemistry between Abi and Scott but why, oh why, would Ella B make such a claim, if it wasn't true?
Perhaps she has been spending too much time with Messy Mitch and his chaotic behaviour is starting to rub off on her.
Now it is the producers turn to pipe up and reveal what REALLY went down. In the words of Abi herself, "Roll the tapes, babe."