Love Island’s Luca Bish lifts the lid on ‘awful’ villa experience – and we didn’t see this

Luca's spoken out about All Stars 2025

love island luca bish

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Published on

The latest series of Love Island (All Stars 2025) might be over but that's not stopped us from obsessing over the Islanders.

We've had Olivia Hawkins breaking down in tears over those screenshots, Samie Elishi revealing that she confronted Grace Jackson at the BRITs and Curtis Pritchard had called out ex-Islanders to fight.

Wild stuff.

And the latest bombshell is Luca Bish speaking about the worst part of villa life and surprisingly none of it made the final edit.

love island luca bish
luca's opened up about villa life ©ITV

'The snacks were awful this year. Awful. I don't know if it was to keep us skinny but in the Spain villa we used to get chocolate, cookies, everything.

'This year it was dry. There was shortages of crisps,' he told Capital FM.

It was at this point that Grace jumped in and revealed that there was a shortage of snacks because of Luca himself.

love island luca and grace
grace and luca have spilled the tea ©ITV

'What would happen is we would get the odd chocolate bar in the fridge and crisps and Luca - which I only found out weeks in - would hide them in his wardrobe,' she explained.

'They would go completely missing and then he'd come out of the villa and be like, "Do you want some chocolate?"

'And then he'd start bringing butter down. We'd be like, "There's no butter for toast in the evening" and he'd bring out little pots of butter.'

love island grace and luca
grace and luca are still together after the villa ©ITV

Err, why didn't we see any of this?

'Gotta look out for yourself in there, you know? It's a lonely place,' Luca joked.


It wasn't all doom and gloom though because despite having a row with Scott Thomas and Ronnie Vint, Luca seemed to really like his co-stars.

'When they're [the producers] putting the cast together, they actually look at how the boys will get on and how the girls will get on.

love island all stars boys 2025
luca alongside some of the all stars boys ©ITV

'It's not just, 'This person, this person and this person because they're the biggest', it's about actually having a good group of people and it was such a good group of people.'


Wonder if we'll see the All Stars cast hanging out together IRL now that they're not forced to spend 24/7 together...

WATCH: Ekin-Su and Curtis reveal their first ever text message to each other

Eden-Olivia is the deputy editor of heatworld and she’s worked in showbiz since 2016. She started watching Love Island in 2017 because of her job. However Montana Brown remaining unphased by absolutely everything kept her entertained and she’s watched every series since.

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