Love Island’s Molly Smith reveals £8.99 hack for ridiculously glowy skin

She looks incredible 👏


by Aimee Jakes |
Updated on

This may not be her first rodeo, yet Molly Smith is truly acing this whole Love Island thing. She is currently sharing a house and bed with her ex-boyfriend, Callum Jones of three and a half years and has remained relatively sane (mostly!) and looks extremely gorgeous in the process.

Those outfits! That swishy hair! That glow! No wonder the majority of the villa can't stop pulling her for a chat.

We did a little digging and have found the answer to her ridiculous gleam. Please enter, Weleda Skin Food, the hydrating multitasking balm loved by everyone from Love Island icons, Molly-Mae Hague and Olivia Attwood to even Victoria Beckham.

weleda skin food

Rrp: $18.50

Price: $15.22
Alternative retailers
PrettyLittleThing US$14.00View offer
Macy's$11.47View offer
Target$12.49View offer
Walmart$12.49View offer

Molls used the budget skincare product as a gleamy primer and demonstrated her love for the product during a 'Grwm for a night in London 💋💄' TikTok video. The star applied Weleda Skin Food as the last skincare step in her routine for a balmy base, before going in with her trusty Too Faced Born This Way foundation.

So, that's how she does it!

Molly isn't the only Islander to swear by Weleda's best-seller, which doubles up as a glow-inducing primer.

Love Island season's Mary Bedford brought the green bottle of brilliance to the season 7 villa and influenced her fellow islanders including Chloe Burrows who previously said: "Well, Mary actually got me into this on Love Island. It's the Weleda Skin Food and it's bloody brilliant."

Molly-Mae recently shared her love for Weleda Skin Food in a YouTube video and said, "My make-up artist Holly always uses this on me."

Honestly, reader, Weleda is a MUA-approved, glossy skin hack that you need to try, immediately. Thank us later, tbh.

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