Just when we thought the couples of Love Island were settling down the producers come in and rip them apart in a traumatic game of 'who is the least compatible'.
Sammy Root was left seething that he and Jess Hardingwere deemed incompatible, it's not like they argue 24/7 and he said she wasn't 'his type'. Oh wait.
Confronting the other Islanders, Sammy claimed Whitney Adebayo and Mehdi Endo should have been picked instead, but nobody else supported his theory and Sammy was left single while Whitney and Mehdi are still happy as Larry. For now.

We say for now as it looks as though the villas comic relief couple are set to have their own test in tonight's episode, when Mehdi decides to pull bombshell Leah Taylor 'for a chat'.
Usually this wouldn't be cause for concern as it is the name of the game but recently dumped Islanders André Furtado and Charlotte Sumner revealed an unaired scene that has us questioning EVERYTHING.
Chatting exclusively to heat, André and Charlotte made it clear they are all for Whitney and Mehdi and when we may nor may not have hinted at the iconic couple being potential winners, they were one hundred percent on board.
"I think they are up there for sure," Charlotte agreed with André adding, "On the outside they're not getting the praise they deserve."
"I love them," Charlotte declared.

However in a scene that was never aired, Charlotte revealed that Whitney had some concerns over Mehdi's loyalty and preference for a different Islander.
"He [Mehdi] made me a coffee and she [Whitney] came up to me so out of the blue because he was making iced coffee and he said 'Oh I will make you one'.
"When she saw that he had made me one, we went for a chat, I don't think this was aired and she said I think he likes you," Charlotte explained.
This was most certainly NOT aired.

"She was fuming," Charlotte added.
"Obviously she was feeling that for a reason," Charlotte went on, "She said apparently that I was his type or something."
Now, do you see why we're worried about Whitney and her man? Fingers crossed if Mehdi does make his move on Leah and they couple up so super hot bombshell will enter the villa and weep Whitney off her feet.