We may all currently be obsessed with the return of Married At First Sight Australia, which is honestly one of the most chaotic TV shows to ever grace our screens, but that doesn't mean we have forgotten our roots – its UK counterpart.
In fact, we had a cute little catch up with MAFS 2023 groom, Thomas Kriaras this week and the gym bro opened up about his time on the show as well as some deets on the upcoming 2024 series.

During his MAFS stint, Thomas was matched with Rozz Darlington; alas they are no longer together but, let's be honest, in the world of reality TV, is that truly a surprise?
No shade to the dating experts who pair up our romantic hopefuls but the only duo still going strong from Thomas' season is Paul Liba and Tasha Jay.
Sure, Shona Manderson and Matt Pilmoor are now officially in a couple but although they were on the same season they weren't technically matched on the show, so it doesn't count. Sorry not sorry.

We quizzed Thomas about his thoughts on the new series of MAFS and the Wiltshire lad offered up a confession.
"I actually know someone who's gone on the next season," Thomas admitted before adding, "I can't say who it is."
Well thanks for NOTHING, Thomas.
Being the investigative journalists that we are, we did try and dig up some goss on the supposed contestant and ask how he knows the potential bride or groom...
"Because my friend met them in a pub," Thomas explained and it had us wondering is there some sort of MAFS-only pub we're not aware of?
Like Fight Club but MAFS Club and, of course, we wouldn’t know about it because the first rule of MAFS Club is no one talks about MAFS Club.

The way Thomas was being such a secret squirrel made us wonder if it was someone he shared a romantic past with – and we asked him as much.
"No,” he laughed, “I wouldn't be able to see any ex of mine go on that show, it's too much."
Best not go on Ex on the Beach then, Thomas.