It's been a WHILE since we've thought about Big Brother 2023 (apart from winner Jordan Sangha dressing up as Willy Wonka for heat's Stars Dress Up – that's an every day thing). To be fair, we've had a lot of reality telly since then; I'm a Celeb, Strictly, Love Island: All Stars, The Traitors and now Celebrity Big Brother. What a winter it's been.

We do keep a general eye on the socials of BB 2023 stars like Kerry Riches, Yinrun Huang and Noky Simbani just to check in on them like some weird nosy elderly relative on Facebook, and thank f**k we do, because Noky casually dropped a major spot of tea on the last day in the Big Brother house – which just so happens to have been last weekend in the CBB house. Seriously, who is doing this girl's PR? Bravo, babe.
During a candid Instagram Q&A, Noky – who finished the series in fifth place last November – revealed the housemates' last day in the Big Brother was not filmed at all and only a handful of crew hold behind-the-scenes footage exposing what went day on finale day.

When asked to share her fave BB memory, Noky said, "The last day. I wish that was filmed so you guys could see it.
"I know some of the crew got some behind the scenes videos, so if any of them have me on Instagram and can send me them I would Iove to see them because honestly, it was such a nice day.
"There was just so my relief that, number one, we’d made it through the whole process, and number two, we got to listen to music all day. We’d given the team all of our favourite songs before we went into the house. They played all of our favourite songs all day. We had a Nando’s. The whole day was about getting ready."

Seriously. Describe a more perfect day? We'll wait. Actually we won't, even we don't stay at home watching telly on a Friday night.