If you ask us, Love Island 2023’s Whitney Adebayo could still win the show even if she was coupled up with a shoe. She’s just that iconic.
Lochan Nowacki seems like a lovely lad, but it’s fair to say that his romance with Whitney – who has been a fave from the moment she entered the villa – has helped him get as far in the show as he has. No shade.
And it seems we’re not the only one who have noticed this, as dumped Islander Kady McDermott, who returned for a second Love Island stint earlier this summer, seemingly threw some hefty shade at the couple during a recent appearance on heat Dates.

Chatting to our very own Harriet Rose alongside her villa flame Ouzy See, Kady discussed Whitney and Lochan's chances of winning the show...
She said, "Whitney and Lochan are the new Amber Gill and Greg [O'Shea]. Does that make sense?
"Whitney will win whoever she's with."

Now, we're not sure how to feel about Kady's comments. On one hand, she compared Whitney and Lochan to one of the most iconic winning couples in Love Island history. But, on the other hand, Amber and Greg didn't exactly have the strongest relationship outside of the villa, did they?
Remember when he dumped her by text just weeks after they took home the winners' prize? Kady even recalled the awkward moment herself when Ouzy asked, "How long did they last on the outside?", to which she responded, "Errr, a week."
We'll be heartbroken if our Whit and Loch face the same fate. No, we're manifesting longevity.

Still, Kady was quick to praise Lochan as she continued, "I actually love Lochan. I'm not joking, Lochan is the sweetest guy to the point he will stop, walk past you, hug you, and ask you how you are every day.
"He will listen to you. He has so many amazing traits and is such a nice person. A good cook. He makes toasties for everyone."
Ouzy added, "He used to get in trouble for making too many toasties."
Surely a guy who literally gets told off for being too nice and making too many toasties can't turn out to be a heartbreaker, right? RIGHT?