Made in Chelsea OG reunites with Liv Bentley and Ollie Locke as cast film for series 26

Sophie Hermann was also present

mic cast

by Emily Vierke |
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There was a wave of excitement among Made in Chelsea fans when the likes of Ollie Locke and Sophie Hermann returned to the poshest show in reality TV recently.

Although Ollie and his partner Gareth Locke only left the show for a hot sec, Sophie had been gone for YEARS and the bestie's comeback was met with rave reviews from viewers. Especially when you throw Sophie's hilarious demands into the mix, as well as the fact that Liv Bentley – who previously quit MIC – had also been joining them on their escapades.

Sophie and liv
Sophie and liv ©channel 4

As the cast continue to film for the upcoming season, with the likes of Sam Prince and his ex Yasmine Zweegers being reunited after their split last year, it turns out another OG is back on set.

Sophie took to social media to share a few BTS snaps with a surprise face among the footage. One video featured Sophie in a pink gown which she had to pair with a pair of cowboy boots after forgetting the shoes she wanted to wear and another was a pic of her sat on the sofa with Liv, Ollie and Tabitha Willett.

Sophie captioned the photo, 'OGs,' and does this mean MIC alumni, Tabitha, is returning to Kings Road?

Sophie's Instagram
Sophie's Instagram ©Sophie's Instagram

Now, we're not quite sure we would class Tabitha as an 'OG' as she first appeared on the show in 2018 – a whole seven years after Made in Chelsea first aired – but if Sophie says she's an OG, who are we to argue?

In case you've forgotten, during her short stint on MIC, Tabitha shared a little flirt with Miles Nazaire (classic) but was actually dating Sam Prince (also classic), but when that came to an end she went out with Julius Cowdrey. Okay, slightly more surprising.

Tabitha ©Getty

Tabitha was part of the cast for just a year and left in 2019. Since then she has given birth a to a little girl and works for magazine, The Wedding Edition.

Tabitha is yet to confirm if she is back on Made in Chelsea, but there are only so many reasons you wear a fancy cornflower blue gown and hang out with Sophie, Liv and Ollie, right?

WATCH: we’ve all been there, Anne 😭

Emily Vierke is a digital writer who has dabbled in the world of celeb, beauty and fashion. She knows all the goss on the cast of Made in Chelsea and is forever obsessed with the queen of one-liners, Lucy "why is everyone getting up in my grill?" Watson. Long may she reign.

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