Love Island producers ‘cut X-rated scenes’ from the show as things heat up with one couple

It sounds like things are getting steamy in the Love Island villa

Omar Love Island

by Sarah O'Byrne |
Updated on

Love Island has become known for introducing jaw-dropping bombshells at the perfect moment for utmost chaos. Bringing back Molly Marsh for Casa Amor in Love Island 2023 was a stroke of genius, and Love Island All Stars beat the record for shocking bombshells on day one by having recent exes Molly Smith and Callum Jones reunite.

However, Love Island 2024 hasn't been performing too badly in the bombshell department - early bombshell Uma Jammeh is quickly becoming one of the viewers' favourite Islanders and Joey Essex was left almost speechless when his ex Grace Jackson walked into the villa around the two-week mark.

Grace Love Island
Grace dated Joey last year before entering the villa ©ITV

It was revealed that she and the TOWIE star dated last year before the romance fizzled out. However, it seems that the spark isn’t completely gone if the latest episode is anything to go by.

In a shock twist, Love Island producers opened the sleepover villa for six lucky Islanders. The three newest additions were given the chance to take an Islander of their choice to the private villa, much to the annoyance of the other Islanders.

Tiffany Leighton chose to take Ronnie Vint, which naturally didn't go down well with Harriett Blackmore who had recently come out on top after a love triangle with him and Jess White. Harriett and Tiffany mutually agree that Ronnie had 'rizz' just before she selected him for the overnight trip - where this 'rizz' is, we don't know, but it looks like we're heading for another love triangle regardless.

love island harriett and ronnie
it looks like harriett and ronnie will be in another triangle ©ITV

Will Anderson then chose Uma - because who wouldn’t? - while Grace unsurprisingly chose Joey.

Ronnie also unsurprisingly forgot about Harriett and immediately cracked on with Tiffany, but that wasn’t the most dramatic event of the episode.

While viewers were shown a cheeky kiss between the Grace and Joey as they relaxed in the private pool, it turns out that the exes gave the producers so much footage to choose from that many X-rated scenes were left on the cutting room floor.

Grace and Joey Love Island
Things got steamy between Grace and Joey in the pool ©ITV

A source told The Sun, "It’s been a long time since we’ve seen chemistry like this on Love Island.

“We always wanted to bring sex back to the villa but didn’t expect this kind of tension so soon.

"...Because they knew each other before, their entire relationship is on fast forward and it’s steamy stuff. Joey can’t keep his hands off her.”

While we definitely didn’t need to see that footage to know what was going on, we still love the gossip of the sneaky hook-up.

Considering this isn’t even the real Casa Amor, we’re almost nervous to see what the Islanders will get up to when split up from their couples in a couple of weeks. Granted, at this point, none of them seem particularly loyal to each other, but you never know.

Sarah O'Byrne has been writing for heat since the summer of 2023, but has been watching Love Island since day one so she considers herself something of an expert.

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