EXCLUSIVE: Love Island’s Samantha Kenny lifts the lid on Nicole Samuel and Ciaran Davies amid constant rows

Cracks have been beginning to show in Nicole and Ciaran's relationship

love island samantha nicole and ciaran

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
Published on

Remember the earlier days of Love Island when they'd couple up on day one, have the odd argument and then sail their way through to the final?

Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham, Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury, Paige Turley and Finn Tapp all spring to mind.

However we're on series 11 of Love Island which means those old tricks just won't work anymore and we're definitely seeing that with Nicole Samuel and Ciaran Davies.

love island nicole and ciaran
nicole and ciaran have been arguing ©ITV

They seemed like the perfect couple despite him being a rugby boy and Nicole swearing them off.

But in recent episodes we've started to see cracks forming. Them arguing over body counts, beer pong and heart race challenge results are all perfect examples of their rows.

So when we spoke to Samantha Kenny we had to ask what they're really like in the villa and her answer makes so much sense.

love island samantha and nicole
samantha has opened up about her pal nicole ©ITV

"Nicole and Ciaran our like a little married couple. They're living together already you know, it's really intense they're always together," she explained.

"If she wasn't with me, she was with Ciaran. So yeah, I think they just bicker like every couple."

"We all do it," she joked.

love island nicole and ciaran
samantha described ciaran and nicole as 'an old married couple' ©ITV

Here's hoping they're 'just like a married couple' and cracks will not continue to form because we just might have Casa Amor around the corner... And if we had to put money on it we reckon Nicole would recouple over Ciaran.

Imagine the scenes if she walks back in with another fella? It'll be Megan Barton Hanson, Tanya Manhenga and Ella Thomas all over again.

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Eden-Olivia is the deputy editor of heatworld and she’s worked in showbiz since 2016. She started watching Love Island in 2017 because of her job. However Montana Brown remaining unphased by absolutely everything kept her entertained and she’s watched every series since.

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